The Contra Costa County Honor Jazz Band is where our region’s top student musicians perform together. This annual month-long workshop provides a wonderful opportunity to collaborate, learn, play, & perform with other talented musicians in our community.
The Honors Jazz Band program provides advanced-level rehearsal and performance opportunities for middle school and high school music students across Contra Costa County that supplement and extend participating school music programs. Students recommended by their school music teacher based on their proficiency and interest apply and audition for acceptance into this program without charge.
Both the Middle School level and High School level honor bands are directed in rehearsals and final concert performances by experienced professional jazz music educators and performers. All costs of the honor bands for music, space rental, and professional instructor fees are covered by contributions to Generations in Jazz Foundation and collaboration with partner organizations so that the honor band students and the schools they go to do not pay anything to participate.
The Contra Costa Honor Band is made possible by grants from the Community Foundation of Lafayette and from the Generations in Jazz Foundation.
2025 Program Information