Honor Bands
The Contra Costa County Honor Jazz Band is where our region’s top student musicians perform together. This month-long workshop provides a wonderful opportunity to collaborate, learn, play, and perform with other talented musicians in our community.

Summer Music Workshop
The Lafayette Summer Music Workshop, also known as “Jazz Camp,” is a week-long workshop that brings together jazz music students of all ages for a week at the Stanley Middle School in Lafayette.
Rossmoor Big Band
The Rossmoor Big Band is a unique inter-generational ensemble with both student-aged and adult musicians. In continuous operation since 1996, the band presents four to six concerts a year to pursue its mission of bringing generations of musicians together for learning and performance of a broad range of American jazz band music.

Kyle Athayde Dance Party Outreach Program
Under the auspices of the Generations in Jazz Foundation, the Kyle Athayde Dance Party group offers a uniquely impactful educational outreach opportunity to high school music programs in the East Bay area and beyond.